As 2023 is approaching, there’s no way you can compete without having a user-friendly, fast, and innovative mobile application. Your customers seek a smooth, uninterrupted experience: they can’t be bothered visiting your brick-and-mortar store without going through your catalog beforehand. Additionally, data shows that apps tend to outperform mobile web pages in terms of conversion rates. That being said, hiring a team of remote mobile app developers is a must. But how can you do that? The easiest way is to find a reputable provider of remote mobile developers and assemble a team based on your needs. In this post, we will review the basic steps of this process. 

Why should you hire remote mobile app developers in 2023? 

Almost every b2b or b2c company can “gain a footing” on its customers’ mobile devices – all it takes is discovering a touch point and implementing it in a mobile application.  

A mobile application is an excellent way to develop relationships with your current consumers. Your customers can place orders from a mobile client for Android or iOS, for instance, a beauty salon can benefit from a portable personal office in the form of a mobile app, special offers, personalized advice, and an electronic loyalty card. Regular customers of fitness centers will appreciate the ability to monitor their progress, renew their membership cards, and order supplements directly from their smartphones. And this is only a partial list of what remote mobile developers can include in a mobile application. 

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Five reasons to invest in a team of remote mobile app developers in 2023:

  1. People choose smartphones to interact with businesses. The development of a mobile application does not eliminate the demand for a corporate website and other aspects of the company’s digital presence. However, professional customer service via a mobile application is an extra promising channel for customer service. 
  2. Mobile usage has grown significantly in the past few years. People use their smartphones to order taxis, rent cars and apartments, study, and even work. A company that integrates into its consumers’ mobile activities will genuinely become a part of their reality, resulting in increased loyalty, average check, LTV, and other crucial indicators. 
  3. Customers love companies that don’t waste their time. Allow consumers to spend less time on mundane tasks such as ordering goods and services, tracking delivery, renewing memberships, and learning languages. Whatever product you sell, there is always a method to streamline its distribution to the end user by designing a mobile app with the correct features. 
  4. Great functionality helps your customers stay loyal. It is more convenient for a person to use a familiar iOS/Android mobile application from a familiar source of services or products rather than constantly searching for new sites and services. 
  5. Other companies already have mobile apps. They have long used mobile applications to connect with diverse types of consumers, partners, and contractors. So far, the mobile segment is not congested, and it is possible to capture a significant portion of your target audience’s screen time. Still, you should act quickly when setting up your team of remote mobile app developers because the need for this talent has become a trend. 

Key steps to hire mobile app developers in 2023 

Mind that before you hire remote mobile app developers, you have to analyze your target audience and understand what features they would like to see in your future app. If you fail to conduct the initial analysis, you might end up wasting too much money on useless functionality that doesn’t fit your product offering. In short, make sure to do the following when sifting the market for remote mobile app developers: 

  • Determine your project requirements: before you start looking for remote mobile app developers, it’s essential to have a clear understanding of what you need from the mobile app. It includes the scope of the project, the desired features and functionality, and the target platform (e.g., iOS, Android, or cross-platform). 
  • Identify the skills and experience you need your remote mobile developers to have: based on your project requirements, determine what skills and experience are necessary for the candidates you want to hire. This might include specific programming languages (e.g., Kotlin, Swift, Objective-C) and other technical expertise. 
  • Review job boards and social media: many online platforms allow you to search for and connect with developers. Some popular options include job boards like LinkedIn and Indeed, as well as social media platforms like Twitter and Reddit. You can also use these platforms to post job openings and attract qualified candidates. In this case, you may have to go through a time-consuming hiring process.
  • Consider using a provider of remote mobile app developers like nCube: when you don’t have the time or resources to handle the hiring process yourself, you might consider using a company that specializes in building remote teams. For example, we at nCube help you find and hire remote dedicated mobile app developers in Eastern Europe or Latin America.
  • Interview and evaluate candidates: once you have a list of potential candidates, be sure to thoroughly interview them to determine their fit for your team and project. You may also want to ask for references or have the candidates complete a test project to assess their skills and experience. If you choose nCube as your partner, we will provide you with solid, pre-screened remote mobile app developers. The decision to hire them for your team is always yours.
  • Negotiate the terms of the contract: once you have identified the right candidate, be sure to clearly communicate the terms of employment, including the scope of the project, the compensation and benefits package, and any other terms and conditions. If you work with us, you will only pay for the hours your remote mobile app developers worked in a month, plus a vendor’s fee.

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Hire remote dedicated mobile app developers with nCube

We believe that hiring remote mobile app developers in 2023 is an absolute must if you want to outcompete your competitors and make more people opt for your product or service. Hiring remote dedicated mobile app developers can be time-consuming and requires full dedication, so make sure to find a trustworthy partner that can take full responsibility for setting up your team. nCube is a globally recognized provider of remote teams with years of experience in the software development market. We’ll help you access the best remote mobile app developers based on your requirements. Want to learn more about our model? Contact us

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