The first website appeared in 1991. Three decades later, we can access almost 2 billion active websites. Nearly 1.5 percent of these websites, about 30 million, are created using Node.js, many of which emerged thanks to the providers of software development services adept at JavaScript, and Node.js technology in particular. The key question arises – why use Node.js in contrast to many other tools? Further, we will answer this question and leave you with a verdict as well as provide some insights on Node.js. 

Node.js in a nutshell

Node.js is a popular and convenient open-source development tool. It focuses on the server-side type development and ensures a server directly responds to the user’s request. It’s an innovative approach compared to the conventional server model. Node.js establishes direct communication between your browser and a website’s server, drastically reducing delays. Essentially, the framework makes third-party inputs obsolete. Moreover, being more independent, Node.js type of apps are more efficient. This aspect makes the framework appealing to developers. Yet, there are some additional elements contributing to Node.js popularity, like the following:

  • It’s lightweight. The framework uses JavaScript engines backed by Google V8. It grants lightness to the framework and makes it a favorable choice among developers. 
  • It’s cross-platform. If you want to build apps working with iOS and Android alike, Node.js allows you to do that. 
  • Speed. With direct two-way communication, the framework uses event-driven architecture allowing multiple requests to be processed simultaneously. 
  • Caching. This feature keeps the remains of data stored for future use. However, when requested, such data becomes available. 
  • Event Loop. Node.js Event Loop system grants developers the ability to scale apps to meet the enterprise’s needs.

These are the main reasons standing behind Node.js’s popularity. Yet, there is a catch. You need to know how Node.js operates to use the elements mentioned above. 

How does Node.js operate?

What do we know so far? Node.js is an open-source, server-side, and event-driven framework based on the Google V8 JavaScript engine. All these elements help use the tool to build efficient backend apps. What type of a process is involved here? Essentially, Node.js uses the system in which the callbacks to requests are executed by various threads that run in the background. 

The technology behind Node.js was created on the foundation of push-based real-time architecture. It aims to work with different backend Application Programming Interface (API) services like .NET to build fast and functional websites. Another key operational element linked to Node.js is its non-blocking input model. Simply put, the system indirectly translates JavaScript into Machine Learning (ML) to make Node.js a part of the Agile software development family. As a result, the framework operates in a manner that requires minimum input and maintenance while creating fast and reliable apps.  

Key Node.js trends

In the case of the most recent Node.js trends, there are the following to mention:

  • Nest.js. It is a type of Node.js-based framework that incorporates TypeScript. Nest.js uses concepts like Modules, Controllers, and Providers. They are used to handle requests and logically handle callbacks. 
  • Electron. This type of Node.js-based framework simplifies the entire desktop app development process by giving developers access to tools like HTML5 and CSS.
  • Deno. Released in 2018, this type of Node.js-based framework emerged to deal with the issues brought by the original instrument. More specifically, it addresses the concern of security. Deno was created to execute the code within sandbox environments that create an isolated network and decrease the chance of external intrusion.

With these Node.js trends in mind, it becomes apparent that people working on Node.js pursue constant updating and improvement. Yet, every given software development framework on the market is evaluated and chosen based on the benefits it brings to the table. For Node.js, there are four advantages to mention:

  • Time-to-market. Node.js library offers a range of about 700,000 manager modules. Having such an array of ready-to-go elements decreases the app development time. Developers do not need to write code and can just reuse the existing one. As a result, it all reduces time-to-market and helps save money.
  • Architecture. The operational part of the framework creates a connection between various parts of an application. It makes code executed faster, which creates the foundation for scalability. 
  • Open-source. Open-source means anyone can access the framework for free. Besides, it entails a high degree of collaboration with numerous Node.js developers worldwide. There is a strong community standing behind the framework. 
  • Callbacks. Node.js framework ensures multiple and faster callbacks. It means an app works faster, so users’ satisfaction increases. 

These are key advantages you need to consider when considering why companies might use Node.js for software development. 

Famous Node.js applications 

Another key factor in support of Node.js stems from the broadness of its applicability. From a broader perspective, developers built Node.js-based apps for eCommerce, Real Estate, Banking, Social Networking,  Healthcare, Gaming, and Media. From a narrower angle, the framework is often employed to develop real-time apps, online games, APIs, command line tools, dashboards, and complex single-page applications (SPAs).  

To illustrate, these are among the most notable Node.js apps:

  • Paypal
  • LinkedIn
  • Yahoo
  • Mozilla
  • Netflix
  • Uber
  • eBay
  • GoDaddy

These are the prime examples vouching for Node.js popularity and applicability. Moreover, one can expect the range of potential use cases and applications to increase with further attention to the framework. 

The Verdict

Whether to use Node.js or not was the question behind this article. Considering the benefits the framework brings to the table and its innovative architecture, the answer is a definite yes. The list of Node.js applications is long and notable. The Node.js future is bright. So, why use Node.js? Use it to build a product that can work on various platforms and brings both users and developers satisfaction through the framework functions. 

If you’re looking to augment your team with skilled Node.js developers, contact us and we will help you build your remote team in Eastern Europe or Latin America. 

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