An R&D Hub for Your Business: 10 Best Locations


Published: 21 Nov 2023

R&D hub

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The evolution of R&D hubs traces back to the 1990s, marking a pivotal era in technological advancement. Some believe that the first R&D hub emerged in Europe, setting a precedent that defined the seriousness of technology companies in the market. Today, the significance of R&D centers persists, and companies without them or situated far from technologically advanced regions may find it challenging to gain traction in the market.

This enduring trend persists for a compelling reason – the impact of R&D development extends beyond individual companies. Their collaborative efforts possess the transformative power to shape entire industries, steering their trajectory and influencing the future landscape through groundbreaking work. As per the 2020 EU Industrial Research and Development Scoreboard, businesses within the European Union (EU27) have elevated their spending on research and development (R&D). Nonetheless, when comparing the growth rates of the top 2500 R&D investing companies globally, the increase for EU firms (5.6%) is notably lower than that of Chinese enterprises (21%) and their US counterparts (10.8%).

Naturally, an increasing number of companies aspire to establish their R&D hubs, and the initial and foremost consideration is the choice of location. Neglecting to select a suitable location for an R&D branch can lead to a myriad of issues, ranging from financial losses to challenges in recruiting the right engineering teams. This is why this article will provide you with a detailed overview of the top R&D hub locations for EU, UK, and US businesses to help you narrow down the list and kick off your research and development activity. 

What is an R&D hub?

An R&D hub, short for a Research and Development hub, is a specialized center or facility where organizations concentrate their efforts on scientific and technological innovation, experimentation, and the development of new products or services. These hubs serve as focal points for cutting-edge research and collaboration among experts in various fields. Here are several examples of the most influential research and development hubs across the globe:

Silicon Valley, California, USA:

Often considered the epitome of an R&D development hub, Silicon Valley is home to numerous technology companies and research institutions. It serves as a global center for innovation in fields such as software, electronics, and biotechnology.

Cambridge, United Kingdom: 

Cambridge is renowned for its R&D activities, particularly in the fields of biotechnology and pharmaceuticals. The presence of top-tier universities, research institutions, and biotech companies contributes to the city’s status as a leading R&D hub.

Bangalore, India:

Known as the “Silicon Valley of India,” Bangalore has emerged as a major R&D hub, particularly in the IT and software development sectors. The city hosts research centers for numerous multinational corporations, fostering innovation and technological advancement.

Shenzhen, China:

Shenzhen has become a prominent R&D development hub in China, especially in the electronics and telecommunications industries. The city is home to numerous technology parks and innovation centers, attracting both domestic and international companies.

Research Triangle Park, North Carolina, USA:

This area, encompassing Raleigh, Durham, and Chapel Hill, is recognized for its concentration of research institutions, universities, and tech companies. It is a thriving R&D hub with a focus on biotechnology, pharmaceuticals, and information technology.

In these R&D hubs, companies and research institutions often benefit from the proximity of like-minded organizations, fostering collaboration, knowledge exchange, and the rapid development of innovative solutions. The synergy created within these hubs often results in accelerated advancements in technology and contributes to the growth of specific industries.

Key benefits of R&D development 

R&D hubs, particularly in the context of software development, offer several key benefits that contribute to innovation, competitiveness, and the overall growth of organizations. Here are some of the key advantages:

Innovation and technological advancement:

R&D development is the cornerstone of innovation in the software industry. Organizations investing in R&D hubs are better positioned to explore new technologies, methodologies, and solutions, leading to the creation of cutting-edge software products and services.

Competitive edge:

Organizations engaged in ongoing R&D development gain a competitive advantage by staying ahead of market trends. The ability to introduce novel features, functionalities, and solutions allows companies to differentiate themselves in a crowded market, attracting customers and maintaining a competitive edge.

Risk mitigation:

R&D development helps organizations anticipate and mitigate risks associated with technological changes and market shifts. By staying proactive in the development of new software solutions, companies can adapt more effectively to evolving industry landscapes and changing customer demands.

Talent attraction and retention:

Companies actively involved in R&D development tend to attract top-tier talent in the software industry. The opportunity to work on groundbreaking projects and contribute to innovation is a strong motivator for skilled professionals, leading to increased employee satisfaction and retention.

Productivity and efficiency improvements:

Through R&D hubs, organizations can focus on developing more efficient processes, tools, and methodologies for software development. This, in turn, enhances overall productivity, reduces development timelines, and ensures a more streamlined and effective software development lifecycle.

Market adaptability:

R&D development enables organizations to adapt quickly to changing market conditions. By continuously exploring and implementing new technologies, software development practices, and market trends, companies can pivot and adjust their strategies to align with emerging opportunities.

Customer satisfaction and loyalty:

Developing innovative software solutions through R&D hubs often translates to enhanced customer satisfaction. Meeting or exceeding customer expectations with state-of-the-art products fosters customer loyalty, encouraging long-term relationships and positive word-of-mouth recommendations.

Revenue growth:

Successful R&D development initiatives can lead to the creation of market-disruptive products, expanding the organization’s market share and contributing to revenue growth. Innovative software solutions with a competitive edge often attract a larger customer base.

READ ALSO: Launching an R&D Center: An Expert Addresses Key Questions

Best locations for software development R&D: EU and UK businesses

Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) has emerged as a dynamic and increasingly attractive region for Research and Development (R&D) activities. Comprised of countries with diverse histories and cultures, this region offers a blend of skilled talent, strategic geographic positioning, and a growing emphasis on technological innovation. ​​Let’s delve into the software development R&D landscapes of several countries for a closer examination.


Ukraine’s thriving IT industry, boasting 250,000 specialists, operates in the Eastern European Time zone. With hourly developer salaries ranging from $21 to $118 per hour, according to Accelerance, the country hosts over 100 software R&D hubs, including major players like Amazon, Samsung, Oracle,, Sitecore, and Grammarly. Its business-friendly climate and tax incentives make Ukraine a strategic choice for launching an R&D center.


Poland, with 450,000+ IT specialists, aligns with the Central European Time zone. With competitive hourly developer salaries compared to the rest of the EU, the country has attracted Google, IBM, and Intel. With one of the best business climates in Europe, high investment potential, and tax credits for R&D, Poland emerges as an increasingly appealing hub for technology-driven industries.


Romania’s dynamic IT sector, comprising 200,000 specialists, operates in the Eastern European Time zone. Developers earn an average hourly salary of $30, making Romania attractive for outsourcing and R&D development. Renowned companies such as Oracle, Microsoft, and Accenture have successfully established their R&D hubs, capitalizing on the country’s positive business climate and a 0% income tax rate.

Czech Republic

The Czech Republic, with 104,500 software developers, follows the Central European Time zone. Developers earn hourly salaries ranging from $20 to $40, making it an attractive destination for outsourcing and R&D centers. Renowned global companies, including IBM, SAP, and Honeywell, leverage the country’s 19% income tax, grants, cash support, and tax reliefs for offshore software development.


Bulgaria’s thriving IT ecosystem, housing 77,000 specialists with projected growth to 112,000 by 2024, operates in the optimal European Time Zone. With cost-effective hourly rates below $20, major R&D centers, including those of Google, SAP, and VMware, underscore Bulgaria’s prominence in innovation and technology. Bulgarian tax policies are rather favorable, while the robust business climate further enhances its appeal as a leading outsourcing destination.

READ ALSO: Nearshore Product Development: Eastern Europe and Latin America Overview

Best locations for software development R&D: US businesses

Latin America (LATAM) stands out as an enticing region for R&D development endeavors. Offering cost-effective solutions, software development rates in LATAM are reportedly half those in the US. Proximity in time zones, particularly in tech hubs like Argentina, Chile, Brazil, and Mexico, ensures seamless communication with North America. Boasting nearly 2 million skilled developers, LATAM spans diverse tech roles and expertise in sectors like healthcare, telecom, and fintech. Government support fosters a favorable business environment, with strong legal foundations protecting intellectual property. Despite potential challenges like corruption and bureaucracy, the region’s evolving tech landscape presents compelling opportunities for strategic software development R&D initiatives.


Brazil’s IT sector, with 750,000 specialists, operates in the GMT-3/GMT-4 time zone, facilitating efficient collaboration with North America. Developer hourly rates range from $15 to $50, attracting R&D projects. Renowned companies like IBM, Microsoft, Google, Siemens, and Oracle leverage Brazil’s skilled workforce. The country’s positive business climate, significant investment potential, and supportive tax policies make it an attractive destination for innovation.


Argentina’s robust IT sector, hosting 120,000 specialists, operates in the Argentine Time Zone (ART), GMT-3. Developer hourly rates, ranging from $20 to $40, position Argentina as an economical R&D destination. Recognized companies like IBM, Google, and Accenture have established R&D centers, supported by a dynamic business climate and proactive tax policies.


Mexican tech landscape, home to 220,000 developers, is LATAM’s fastest-growing. R&D centers span automotive tech to aerospace, with major players like Ford and General Motors leading the way. Shared time zones and a skilled workforce make Mexico attractive for cost-effective collaboration. Technical education programs further bolster the nation’s appeal, with R&D incentives adding strategic value for innovative enterprises.


Colombia, a burgeoning tech hub, hosts 62,000 developers operating in the Colombia Time Zone (COT). Political stability and a favorable business environment position Colombia as the key player in the Latin American tech landscape. R&D development efforts span fintech, healthcare, and education, drawing attention from global investors. The country’s strategic location, competitive workforce, and government initiatives support its emergence as a destination for innovation.


Chile’s 60,000 software developers, operating in the UTC-3 time zone, benefit from the country’s political stability and transparency, ranking 27th globally for low corruption. Government investments in education drive R&D center growth, particularly in Santiago, focusing on renewable energy, mining technology, and healthcare. Chile’s supportive tax policies enhance its appeal for global innovation, creating an environment conducive to research and development activities in the country.

How can we help you set up an R&D development hub? 

nCube stands as a reliable partner for businesses seeking to establish and thrive in the realm of Research and Development. 

  • We have successfully launched five R&D hubs since 2019;
  • We boast a solid 15-year foundation in software development; 
  • We have a vast network of skilled software developers from both Latin America (LATAM) and Central and Eastern Europe (CEE);
  • We guarantee a fast R&D hub launch in line with your requirements;
  • We allow businesses to adapt and expand their R&D operations seamlessly;
  • We have a presence in CEE & LATAM and our team ensures a deep understanding of the local talent pool and regulatory landscape.

Contact us today to explore how we can help you establish your R&D hub, leveraging the best talent and resources from around the world. 

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