Top Educational Software Companies: Where and How to Find Them


Published: 20 Jun 2023

E-learning development

e-learning platform development. 

In recent years, the education sector has witnessed significant growth in technology usage. In 2020, around 14 EdTech companies generated profits exceeding $1B each. For instance, the Indian company Byju emerged as a leader, boasting an impressive $5.8B in revenue. So, now is a favorable moment to incorporate technology into your business and create your own e-learning platform. But how to do that? The simple answer is to partner with one of the top educational software companies.

In this article, we will delve into the current landscape of e-learning software development companies, analyze the key locations to find one, and the main steps of e-learning platform development. 

E-learning development process: Key steps

Creating a successful e-learning app involves several stages and challenges, regardless of whether you are a startup, have an educational web platform, or have an existing offline business. Here is a step-by-step guide to help you navigate the process:

  • Test your idea. Begin by validating your platform idea. Conduct market research, gather feedback from potential users, and analyze the competition to ensure there is a demand for your app.
  • Define the feature set. Determine the key features and functionalities you want to incorporate into your app. Consider the specific needs of your target audience and ensure your app provides a unique value proposition.
  • Build a strong team. Assemble a skilled and experienced team for e-learning platform design and development. This may include developers, DevOps experts, quality assurance professionals, and business analysts. Their expertise will be crucial in creating a high-quality and user-friendly app. 
  • Content creation and curation. Establish a process to work with qualified teachers, mentors, or content creators who will be responsible for delivering educational content through your app. Ensure their expertise aligns with the subjects or skills you plan to offer.
  • Project requirements and business plan. Define the project requirements, including technical specifications, app functionality, and desired outcomes. Next, you should communicate this with your tech partner who will do the rest. Namely:  
  • Product discovery;
  • Minimum Viable Product (MVP);
  • UI/UX e-learning platform design;
  • Development and testing;
  • Launch and iteration;
  • Continuous improvement.

Here are some more aspects you should take into account when you embark on the journey of e-learning platform development. 

Vital aspects to consider when you create your own e-learning platform

Selecting a distinctive market segment

Instead of developing yet another generic application, aim to create a unique offering. To accomplish this, conduct thorough market research and identify a specific niche in which your application will thrive.

Carefully defining your target audience

Thoroughly analyze the market and identify your specific target audience. Who are they? Are they individual educators and learners seeking a platform to facilitate their interactions? Or are they large corporations looking to implement organization-wide learning solutions? Understanding your target audience is essential for shaping your product and marketing strategies.

Building a strong team

Building an e-learning platform with the potential to succeed necessitates the collaboration of skilled professionals. An effective e-learning development process relies on the synergy of various roles involved. Here are the key team members required:

  • Software developers that work on coding, ensuring the functionality and performance of your app.
  • Designers that focus on creating an appealing and user-friendly interface for your e-learning app, ensuring it looks visually engaging.
  • Testers are responsible for conducting thorough quality assurance and testing processes to ensure a bug-free and reliable application.
  • Business analyst to assess the market landscape and identify the needs and preferences of your target audience. They help shape the app’s features and functionalities to meet market demands.

We at nCube can build a skilled remote team of e-learning developers for your project.

In addition to the development team, content plays a crucial role. Establishing a strict selection criterion for teachers or mentors is vital to ensure high-quality content for your e-learning app.

But where to find the best education software development companies to partner with? Here are some options for you.  

Top educational software companies: Central Eastern Europe

The Digital Education Market in the region is projected to witness substantial growth, with its global size anticipated to increase from $19.4B in 2023 to $66.7B by 2028. This represents a Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 28.0% during the forecast period. 

The most prominent country in the region, according to the number of available e-learning software development companies, is Poland. The country houses almost 200 education software development companies you can partner with. Another proven location is Ukraine, with 113 top educational software companies, according to

Top educational software companies: LATAM

The Latin America e-learning market is experiencing significant growth, driven by the increasing adoption of mobile and portable devices. The region’s growing number of smartphones and the success of social media channels have paved the way for audio and text-based applications to thrive in the market.

According to Clutch, the region is home to 178 education software development companies. Most of these tech vendors are located in Brazil and Mexico, the region’s most prominent outsourcing destinations. The vast majority of these e-learning software development companies are mid-sized (up to 250 employees). 

Avoiding trends overuse

It is important to stay informed about the current trends in the market, but it’s equally important to exercise caution when incorporating them into your strategies. While trends can provide valuable insights, it is essential to evaluate their relevance and alignment with your specific goals and target audience. Simply following trends without considering their suitability may not lead to the best outcomes.

Instead, use trends as a source of inspiration and guidance, allowing them to inform your decision-making process. Consider how these trends align with your business objectives, customer needs, and long-term sustainability. Adopting trends wisely involves carefully assessing their potential impact on your product, service, or overall business strategy.

Remember that what may be popular or “trendy” at the moment may not necessarily be the ideal fit for your unique circumstances. It’s crucial to strike a balance between staying informed about market trends and making thoughtful, well-informed decisions that align with your specific business objectives and values.

Identifying customer pain points and needs

Understanding your potential customer’s pain points and needs is crucial. It is essential to have a clear understanding of the specific pain or need that your product or service addresses.

Differentiating between customer pain and desires

Expanding on the previous point, it’s important to recognize that customer desires and pain points are distinct. While it is crucial to address the pain points, you should also consider how your customers prefer their pain points to be resolved.

By distinguishing between customer pain and desires, you can ensure that your product or service effectively addresses their core problems while also meeting their preferences and expectations for a solution. This comprehensive approach will help you develop a solution that resonates with your customers and provides value in a way that aligns with their specific needs and desires.

Final words

In conclusion, developing an e-learning platform involves various stages and challenges, but it can bring significant benefits to your business. By testing your idea, assembling a strong team, and focusing on content quality, you can create a valuable platform. The development process, including defining project requirements, creating an MVP, and working on UI/UX design, is crucial for success. However, it is important to remember that staying informed about market trends and user needs while maintaining a unique value proposition will contribute to long-term success in the competitive e-learning industry.

Contact us and let’s see if a team of skilled developers in Eastern Europe or LATAM fits your business. 

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