As we’re careening towards the New Year, you’re probably busy with reflections on your past milestones and strategizing the next financial year. The holiday shindig, which is usually associated with the end of the year all over the world, gives us a chance to pause for a moment and make a wish, even if you aren’t one to believe in miracles.

As a company that builds development teams in Ukraine for businesses globally, we know first-hand that in the business world, the ability to transform obstacles into opportunities is the best gift. We stay true to this vision when helping our clients overcome challenges when it comes to setting up software development teams. In this festive post, we attempt to show you that any wish may come true, whether or not you believe in Santa. All it takes is to stay open to new opportunities. So, here we go!

Lower cost of software development teams

More often than not, our clients have to grapple with exorbitant costs associated with building local software development teams. As a tech leader, you know how important it is to find a solution that will fit the bill when it comes to budget. That being said, rejoice, as your personal IT Santa has an amazing gift in store for you – a remote development team.

The pandemic has upended the global labor market, bringing ample opportunities to set up a software development team in more affordable offshore/nearshore zones, such as Eastern Europe, Latin America, and Asia. Thus, setting up software development teams (also known as outsourced development teams) in one of these regions often means cutting costs on a development team.

One example of such an offshore/nearshore strategy can be hiring a development team in Ukraine. This way, your budget won’t be bogged down by the expenses for administration and retention of your software development team as well as costs associated with employee bonuses, insurance, and recruitment. Typically, those will rest on the shoulders of the vendor, at least if you choose to work with us.

A truly dedicated remote development team

Let’s say having a remote development team is already in your sights as your next-year strategy, what you may wish for then? Believe it or not, but IT Santa knows that the dream of any tech leader is a committed team that fits their goals and mindset. He also knows first-hand how challenging it is to manage team members remotely. Just think of the army of dedicated helpers he has to manage to deliver all those gifts just in time for Christmas.

Just like Santa, you want to deliver your product on time, and dedication is an essential part of this ambition. Thus, we believe that you’d be better off hiring a software development team based on a dedicated development team model, an approach that assumes that your remote development team members act as your in-house staff, organically extending your existing tech unit.

With a dedicated software development team model, you’ll get a team that is made of full-time employees who will work in sync with your local team, reporting to and communicating with you directly. Although managed remotely, this will be your own software development team.

We at nCube can be your personal Santa when it comes to supplying a dedicated remote development team. We can help you can hire a Ukrainian development team that works for you 40 hours per week while having an exclusive (dedicated) relationship with your company. We only handpick motivated specialists who check all the boxes on your candidate requirements, ensuring you reap all the benefits of a dedicated model.

READ ALSO: How to Manage Your own Dedicated Development Team

High retention of your development team members

The Great Resignation,” a recent pandemic-induced phenomenon where people are leaving their jobs en-masse, can seriously cool down your employee retention rate. In light of this, your wish to have a stable development team is completely warranted.

While workers across the Western world are taking time off work, it may be the right time for you to turn your gaze towards the part of the world where the IT sector boasts incredible popularity and hence sky-high retention rates within outsourced development teams. We are speaking about the market in which we are experts, that is Ukraine. We at nCube can step in once again as your personal IT Santa and make your wishes come true. With 14+ years of experience in software development, we have all the needed resources in place to build a motivated software development team that boasts creativity, commitment, and a problem-solving mindset. We are a reputable brand in the Ukrainian IT market that can attract and retain the best talent. As a vendor of a development team in Ukraine, we will provide a comfortable work environment in the center of Kyiv and a decent employee bonus package, which contributes to a high team retention rate. We will do anything in our power, so you can conveniently work with the same team members throughout the whole lifetime of your project.


If your company is up for expansion, your wish may be one related to backfilling your vacancies faster. Today, when the job market is super competitive, it may be quite challenging to create a software development team on short notice. But there’s an upside – you can build a development team anywhere located in the world.

In Ukraine, the end of 2021 has made a cause for celebration an important milestone – the number of software developers has reached a staggering number of 250,000. Thus, whatever skillset you may be looking for, tapping into this market you stand a good chance to reduce your time-to-hire. Our team at nCube can help you hire a Ukrainian development team, thus helping you dial down the dependency on a scarce local talent market.

More senior tech talent

The scant labor market may pour cold water on your most ambitious projects, especially when it comes to searching for talent in newer fields, such as AI, Machine Learning, Blockchain, and Data Science. In light of the tech talent drought in the EU and the US, you may want to ask Santa to bring more skilled talent your way. Well, that is something our team can help you with in the New Year. In particular, we can build a development team in Ukraine, which will consist of senior developers, as many engineers we work with have years of commercial experience behind their belt, plus a university degree.

We are sure that the variety of seasoned specialists in the Ukrainian pool of talent is sufficient to meet your demands. Tens of thousands of engineers represent such programming languages as Java, C#, JavaScript, Python, PHP as well as in-demand skills, including AI, Data Science, IoT, Unity 3D, and Blockchain. When it comes to domain expertise, you can hire a development team in Ukraine that will consist of developers with expertise in all major verticals, from Healthcare and Fintech to E-commerce and Telecom. With more than a decade of success granting wishes for senior-level talent to our clients, we are sure that we will be able to make up for the talent gap you may have locally.

READ ALSO: Offshore Product Development: Eastern Europe, Latin America or Asia?

Predictable success

If you have already decided to partner with an outsourced development team, your Christmas wish may be to have transparent communication and processes with your vendor and software development team. We are on the same page with you when it comes to this desire. We believe that even when working with a remote development team, it’s possible to stay on top of things, given that the right approach is in place. As a vendor, we believe that the best way to fulfill this wish is by granting direct access to each employee you’re going to work with. That way, you’ll be involved in all the processes personally, from approving candidates to retaining full control over your project. In this model, your vendor should be responsible for retaining your outsourced development team members, which assumes taking care of happiness and comfort at their workplace. On your side, you will have all the rights to the code, ideas, and documentation related to the project. You will also manage your development team as you see fit. Since all employees work under your leadership, you’ll gain the transparency and predictability needed to have peace of mind when it comes to the results.

READ ALSO: How to Build an Offshore Software Development Center

We can be your personal IT Santa

Is there an IT Santa? Well, we don’t know. What we know for sure is that our team at nCube can do wondrous things when it comes to building a motivated and stable software development team of seasoned experts in a wide array of technologies and domains. Companies we work with, such as AstraZeneca, Greenpeace, doTerra, CrossEngage, Encore Capital Group, and many more are the best proof of this statement.

Let us address your wishes for an ideal development team in the year 2022. We have all the needed resources and experience in place to let you source and work with the talent you require while having transparent communication and collaboration processes as well as scalability capabilities. Contact us. In the meantime, Happy Holidays!

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