The pandemic has upended many things and directly impacted companies providing digital transformation services in Ukraine. McKinsey reports that the recent unforeseen challenges forced many organizations worldwide to move their digital transformation initiatives to the top of their agenda. The key drivers of digital transformation in the world, and Ukraine in particular, are: 

  • An abrupt shift to remote collaboration;
  • The rise of contactless experiences across industries;
  • A need for replacing in-person communication; 
  • Focus on virtual experiences.

In this post, we shed light on the trends that are prevailing in Ukraine’s digital transformation services’ landscape.

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Contactless solutions 

Given that the term contactless has become the buzzword of the last year, It looks like a touch-free future has finally arrived. Due to the changes in shopping behavior caused by the pandemic, many businesses began implementing technologies to minimize face-to-face interactions. Thus, we have seen a rise in different apps that replace actual in-person experiences, ranging from contactless delivery and hotel check-ins to all manner of e-commerce applications. 

In fact, digital transformation services are inundated with requests to build touchless solutions that enable restaurant and hotel visitors to order and pay through an app. To develop this type of functionality, digital transformation IT services need a talent pool to draw the relevant expertise from. In this regard, Ukraine can be a rich source for mobile development experts, given that the country has a well-developed IT ecosystem that enables local digital transformation services to provide “turn-key” development solutions. Despite the skyrocketing demand for such services, Ukraine effectively supplies the right kind of talent to build qualified end-to-end payment solutions. 

Additionally, contactless solutions often go hand in hand with Python, Java, and C++ as critical programming languages. As all of these languages are highly popular among Ukrainian developers, digital business transformation services are able to fulfill the growing need for contactless solutions. 

eCommerce | Omnichannel retail

A growing trend in digital transformation services is building solutions for virtual interactions with customers, which has become vital for making sales during the lockdown. This trend has boosted the development of virtual experiences for personalized shopping assistance where customers aren’t forced to travel to a physical store to get what they need. 

Another area that is associated with digital transformation is omnichannel retail. Digital transformation services companies in Ukraine are currently busy with building omnichannel experiences, where all retail channels work in harmony with each other, providing a seamless shopping experience, no matter whether a customer buys products through a website, app or physical store. 

Digital transformation professional services in Ukraine emphasize PHP, Angular, Nodejs, JavaScript, React, as well as PostgreSQL, and MongoDB as key technologies used in e-commerce development. All of these skills are abundant in Ukraine, given that these technologies have a low entry level. On top of that, Ukrainian digital transformation services for small businesses can provide Shopify, Magento, and Salesforce talent to build e-commerce solutions for companies that are just starting with online retail.  

Virtual education 

The pandemic forced the education systems of many countries to look for alternative ways to keep children and students involved in the learning process from home, making virtual education a new priority. With the growing number of e-learning tools and platforms being developed in Ukraine, the country is no exception to this trend. In fact, there are 60+ EdTech startups in Ukraine, most of which specialize in developing distance-learning interactive solutions, such as video chat and video conferencing tools. This number says a lot about the potential of local digital transformation services – which implies that you can come across a vast number of developers with field-relevant expertise. 

Virtual collaboration

The rise of remote work calls for robust collaboration tools to empower the distributed teamwork and make the remote environment more productive. Ukrainian digital transformation managed service providers deal with numerous requests on developing “a tool like Zoom” for the corporation’s internal use. A video conferencing tool like this can be built either from scratch or based on a ready-made solution. In any case, it requires skills such as web, and mobile development alongside profound knowledge of Web Real-Time Communications (WebRTC) technology and understanding the principles of UX/UI. There is no doubt, that a talent pool as vast as Ukraine, can be a great source of skills relevant to virtual collaboration

Process automation

Although automation has been a key innovation driver for a long time, recent events have spurred the adoption of automated services, and consequently, a need for enterprise digital transformation services. In Ukraine, companies providing such services focus mainly on the development of Robotic Process Automation (RPA), building simple solutions for one unit within an organization as well as complex solutions for an ecosystem of data sources. On top of that, Ukrainian developers emphasize API development, which is a key driver of automation.

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Healthcare | Telemedicine

Currently, Ukraine boasts 100+ domestic startups, not to mention numerous outsourcing companies that drive healthcare development for companies worldwide. 

The pandemic has given a significant development of the Healthcare industry creating a severe demand for talent to implement a variety of innovations, including AI, IoT, Blockchain, security, and Quality Assurance, to name a few. Digital transformation services in Ukraine are actively hiring talent to build the right solutions for this sector, ranging from telemedicine apps and text– and video-based chats to wearable devices. 

AI | Machine Learning 

Artificial Intelligence plays a crucial role in defeating Covid-19, as it powers pandemic outbreaks detection, disease risk prediction, thermal screening, facial detection with masks, and CT scans. 

At the same time, there’s a lack of seasoned programmers to build AI-driven solutions, given that these are relatively novel competencies, the demand for which has already reached an all-time high. With this in mind, digital transformation IT services in Ukraine have a great potential for companies to get the right type of AI skills, including its staples such as Python, Scala, and R. In fact, these languages have cracked the top 20 most popular programming languages in Ukraine in 2021, and the talent pool only continues to grow. 

Wrap up: Ukrainian digital transformation services companies  

It’s believed that people, processes, and technology are behind any digital transformation initiative. When it comes to Ukraine, local digital transformation services stand on the shoulders of a  talent pool of over 200K engineers with vast experience in applying technologies to enable digital transformation processes for companies worldwide. As a digital transformation services provider, we at nCube can build a team of seasoned software developers to deliver the services based on disruptive technologies, including AI, IoT, Blockchain, etc. Contact us.

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