The rise of investment platforms has revolutionized investing and trading, providing the general public with widespread access to the stock market. With the advent of investment applications, people no longer rely on go-betweens. Consequently, the market for user-friendly stock trading apps is foreseen to grow in the following years. However, for now, it remains relatively niche, awaiting the entry of new major players.

What does it take to create an investment app that stands a high chance of success? What are the essential features that the digital investment platform should possess? Let’s embark on a journey to explore these questions and more.

What is an investment platform?

An investment app serves as a valuable resource for making informed investment decisions, offering insights and guidance on where and how much to invest. Usually presented in the form of graphical representations, these apps provide users with investment news, performance metrics of their invested companies, and more.

To provide comprehensive analysis, these platforms rely on technologies like big data, data analytics, and others. Therefore, when building an investment platform, it is crucial to partner with a reliable technology provider.

Your perfect digital investment platform: A market overview

The demand for user-friendly investment applications is driving the modern market. The investment process has become more streamlined and affordable thanks to the rise of zero-fee investments. Given this trend, it is a strategic choice for trading businesses to develop an investment platform. 

According to the Market Study Report, the stockbroker app market is projected to reach $4497.9M by 2025. While there are currently a few major players in the investment software market, such as Robinhood, there is still room for innovation and improvement. Therefore, there is still an opportunity for the development of the best stock app in the market. Perhaps you could be the one to design it and meet the evolving needs of investors.

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But the question remains – how to create an investing app that will bring you a competitive advantage and bring new loyal customers to your business?

Now, let’s delve into the various features that you need to implement to make your app user-friendly. 

How to create an investment platform: Key features to add

When it comes to answering the question of how to create an investment app, remember that it is essential to focus on the core features that meet the critical needs of your end users. Let’s break down the user path into several stages: registration, setting up a personal profile, adding a bank card, stock assessment, and payment. These features constitute the minimum requirements for your digital investment platform to be competitive in the market.

Registration and personal profile 

Simplify the registration process by offering multiple options such as social media accounts (e.g., Facebook, Google, Apple ID), email/phone number, and password. Ensure the security of all registration options. Additionally, provide users with a personal profile where they can add their data and photos and view their performance.

Adding bank card 

Enable users to easily add their bank account information for seamless trading. This feature is crucial, so ensure its user-friendliness and data security.

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Third-party payments 

Integrate trusted third-party payment services, such as PayPal, Apple Pay, or Google Pay, to ensure secure transactions when building an investment platform.


Implement analytics features, usually represented through charts, similar to apps like Robinhood. Developing these features requires expertise in data science, AI/ML, and data visualization. Charts can range from basic indicators like moving averages and Bollinger bands to more advanced options like line break charting and Fibonacci plotting. Incorporating trend lines is particularly important as it helps users make informed investment decisions.

News feed 

Integrate a news feed feature that provides relevant and up-to-date information from trusted sources such as Reuters, Dow Jones Newswires, and PR Newswire. Consider including insights from scanning tools to enhance the trading experience.

Scanning tools 

AI-powered scanning tools can identify potential trades in the stock market. These tools can range from simple insights on attractive stocks and rising or declining companies to more sophisticated pattern recognition, empowering users to make informed investment decisions.

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Fundamental research tools 

Offer users quick access to comprehensive information on the companies they plan to invest in. Research tools should provide insights into financial metrics, news, and other relevant information, eliminating the need for users to search the Internet separately.


Ensure reliable and timely customer support for your trading platform. Trading requires speed, so enabling users to receive support directly within the app for technical, trade, or administrative issues is crucial.

Security and data protection 

Security and data protection are paramount in stock trading app development. Implement best practices such as biometric authentication (fingerprint or face recognition), multi-factor authentication (verification code and password), automatic log-out, regular security patches, and hosting the app on trusted marketplaces. Data encryption is critical to protect sensitive user information, particularly cardholder details.

By incorporating these features and adhering to robust security measures, you can create a platform that provides a secure and user-friendly experience for your investors.

How to create an investing app: Final words

In today’s competitive market, businesses must embrace technology to stay ahead, and the financial industry is no different. For trading businesses, one effective way to expand their customer base is to create a digital investment platform.

Building an investment platform requires a deep understanding of user needs and internal processes. However, with the right technology partner and careful execution, your app can generate income for both your users and your business. A trusted tech partner will assist you in creating a unique value proposition for your app, identifying a niche where your platform has a higher chance of success, and selecting features thoughtfully.

By building an easy-to-use stock trading app now, you can deliver a relevant and in-demand product to meet the needs of the market. This strategic move will position your business for success and enable you to tap into new opportunities.

Contact us if you’re looking to build a team of skilled developers. We can help you source the best talent in Eastern Europe and LATAM. 

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