nCube provided a team of skilled and dedicated developers to build a platform from scratch.
We created a team that consisted of several departments: frontend, backend, and QA – each headed by Lead Developers.
The most significant accomplishment was enabling the client to transfer the entire development process to our team, demonstrating their complete trust.
Over the past five years of collaboration, nCube has evolved into a strategic partner for the Client. The ideas and contributions generated by nCube’s engineers played a pivotal role in turning the app into the platform for large campaigns.
To build an online platform from the ground up
Project overview
When we began contemplating the project, it was initially an idea accompanied by a well-defined development plan.
Our team diligently executed this plan under the leadership of a tech leader, a well-respected former Microsoft technical expert. We successfully crafted the initial prototype of the platform.
Gradually, we developed a stable and appealing product. Our team didn’t just implement – we actively engaged in brainstorming and suggested the best approaches to the client.
Describe your
Phone call to go
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your team
your project
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