As a part of the core team, we worked on the main functionality of the platform and together with the German colleagues, we achieved the following:
nCube’s developers along with the onsite team contributed to the success of the FlightRight project.
4/5 review score at
5 million+ happy customers.
Have already returned over € 200 million for the customers whose flights were delayed.
German Institut for Service Quality rated Flightright as #1 company on the German internet, based on more than 25 million websites, forums, blogs, reviews, press pages and articles in social network.
To build a feature-rich application landscape for customers.
Project overview
Regardless of typical team composition, additional process effectiveness and flexibility is reached by the feature teams: while one team is fixing the critical bugs, the other teams continue working on new features.
The project is hosted on AWS, including production, staging, development, business intelligence. The main components, our team was responsible for, are: Customer Management Application (the core business, admin module itself), website, claim check, and B2B service for partners.
Among the latest results of our developers are:
– Implementation of aircraft leasing investigation, that dramatically improved the compensation calculation algorithm.
– Launch of the new domain for the Belgian market.
– Constant updates of the business logic to make more cases claimable.
– Infrastructure improvements made by transferring to AWS spot instance.
– Creation of an automated check of any changed done within the project and further evaluation of their impact on the internal business processes.
– Tremendous improvement of the front-end UI and UX.
It’s also noteworthy, that day-to-day meetings with the core team, regular onsite meetups and trainings resulted in the full and smooth integration of the Ukrainian team.
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